


現今,網絡世界變化急速,社交平台猶如雨後春筍般湧現,衍生出各種市場的營銷策略,然而KOL(Key opinion leader)就是其中一種。一翻開INSTAGRAM,隨即看見大量KOL的贊助帖文,製作各種費盡心思的短片賣廣告,點讚越高人氣則代表越高。若你厭倦充斥廣告的網紅,那就回到最初點,看看美妝界的一股「清泉」—— Gelcream。

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@thenue_co — Functional Fragrance. My favorite product by The Nue! Think calming aromatherapy roller but in a spray, way more complicated in scent mix and long lasting. I actually think it is indeed very relaxing and I use it as pillow spray too. Green cardamom, iris, palo santo and cilantro. Let me try to describe it, i liked this game from the previous post: it smells like a private garden somewhere in Portofino with comfortable hammock and a good science fiction book. $44 — 4/5. I don’t know why i’m not giving it a 5, i’m greedy! 🙂 #gelcream_perfume PLEASE DON’T BUY UNLESS ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY AND REMEMBER WE ALL ARE DIFFERENT AND WHAT I LIKE MAY NOT SUIT YOU SO MAKE SURE IT’S REFUNDABLE

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@Gelcream是由原本擔任《VOGUE》時裝編輯的Yana Sheptovetskaya所創立,她的賬戶簡介裡清晰寫出”no sponsored reviews”,以不推銷和不露面的原則評論著每一件產品,其產品包括有唇膏、香水、護膚品等美妝。打開Gelcream的INSTAGRAM,會見到全部也是她手拿著產品的照片,配以簡潔的文字評價,短小精悍的說出產品的重點,有別一般植入廣告推銷的KOL。

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Dreamy Series @bobbibrown — Hydrating Face Cream. I was obsessed with Bobbi Brown packaging maybe 10 years or more ago (when i lived back in Russia) but I couldn’t justify the price (well, I simply couldn’t afford it). I would go to the beauty store and spend generous time trying everything. I feel like after Bobbi sold her brand to Estée Lauder it kinda disappeared from the radar and I don’t see it often. This cream is nice, lightweight and skin is glowing after. I have it in my gym bag and use often. Anything else I should try from Bobbi Brown? What do you think about her products now?📸 for Harrods (@harrodsbeauty/@harrods) p.s. GUYS — THE FILTER! I’m sorry to be spamming your stories but i’m just so excited to see your creations. Thank you so much for the support! i’m so happy! And thanks to @omega.c ❤️

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Gelcream Series | The Office 📠 After a while at a Trend Research agency I decided to leave to work in magazines, I started as an intern at @anothermagazine, in a few months became assistant to the fashion director (Cathy Edwards ❤️), but (sadly!) had to leave London in a year due to visa problems. I moved to Moscow and after 5 interviews got a job as a fashion coordinator and then editor at Vogue. Those were really great fun times! And my last “9-to-5 (well more like 10-to-10) office” jobs. Here, I scanned my work desk drawer content for nail emergency: 1. @hm or other brands – nail polish remover pads for any emergency 2. Nail Polish, pictured @j.hannah 3. Cream that I can use on my lips, cuticles and anywhere else if needed, @embryolisseusa I think I am missing a file & buffer… What’s in your drawer? Scan it #gelcream_theoffice

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「我愛上了90年代的時尚攝影,像Paolo Roversi和Alexey Brodovitch的作品,以及現代的《The Gentlewoman》雜誌。所以這個賬號好像是我的小雜誌一樣,我使用相同類型的格式。」Yana Sheptovetskaya說道。Gelcream從來沒有露臉,相片以簡約主義,光影映襯著化妝品,加上一針見血的五分評分吸引122K的Followers。

在這KOL的時代,中肯的產品評價顯得難能可貴,如她對於NARS 的Climax Mascara說道:”Expected so much more! A little clumpy, smudges & flakes a lot and just nothing special except this interesting, attention seeking red tube……Definitely not my favorite NARS product, maybe just not the right fit for my short and stubborn lashes. 2/5”。 說話耿直的Gelcream無疑成為美妝界的清泉。

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