【寫下地球悲歌】英國詩人到訪北極 以詩書寫氣候問題 詩人阿米蒂奇:我感覺自己在寫輓歌

【寫下地球悲歌】英國詩人到訪北極 以詩書寫氣候問題 詩人阿米蒂奇:我感覺自己在寫輓歌


不止香港,寒衣在極地亦無用武之地。英國詩人阿米蒂奇(Simon Armitage)今年七月到北極旅遊,全程只穿襯衫和牛仔褲,短短一星期的旅程,有四至五天的氣溫達到十一度,所以保暖衣一直放在行李箱原封不動。站在冰川前,壯麗景色固然懾人,但最讓他驚訝的,卻是北極天氣「很暖」。回到英國,他決定以氣候變化為題寫詩,盼讀者能透過文字,與地球同呼同吸。



阿米蒂奇這次到訪了「英國北極研究站」(UK Arctic Research Station),研究站位於挪威的斯瓦爾巴(Svalbard),那是北極地區的群島。他接受英國廣播公司(BBC)訪問時指出,這次旅程「改變一生(life-changing)」。


事隔多年,氣候問題迫在眉睫。人類近年肆意破壞地球環境,地球卻不能為自己發聲,他説,詩人常在大自然尋找靈感創作,現在是「詩歌回報的時候了(time for poetry to pay something back)」。




看到如此動人心魄的美景,是人類的幸運,還是地球的不幸?對阿米蒂奇來說,這些本不該出現的景色,有一種「詭異的美(Weird Beauty)」。

他開始在作品中談及氣候問題,「但説真的,我覺得自己是在寫輓歌。(But I felt as if I were writing elegies, actually.)」


英國《衛報》(The Guardian)刊登了他的詩作《The Summit》,詩中提到他和冰川碰面的經歷:「我來得太晚了,從乳白色的水池往上看,我看見退卻的白色(I was too late. Looking up from the milky pool. I saw the whiteness in retreat.)」。


英國詩人阿米蒂奇(Simon Armitage)
英國詩人阿米蒂奇(Simon Armitage)

The Summit by Simon Armitage

When I met the glacier face to face

there was no coming together

of skin and ice,

just washy clouds and a weepy sky

floating upside down

in a silver lake, and the eyes

looking up from the water were mine.


It was hard slog

in a valley more like a Scottish Glen,

along hillsides more at home

in the English Lakes.

A day’s trek up a narrow track

between harebell and birch

and to do what:


to say the arctic looks like this

or looks like that, to breathe

its cool breath then scratch a name

in the visitors’ book

and give the glacier a human form:

tongue, body, mouth and heart …

In any event


I was too late.

Looking up from the milky pool

I saw the whiteness in retreat,

the bedraggled hem of the bridal train

heading into the heights

towards deeper winter and truer north,

trailing a stony path.


When I met the glacier face to face

there was no close encounter

of ancient snow and body heat,

just weepy clouds and a washy sky

hanging upside down

in a zinc-coloured lake, and the eyes

staring out of the water were mine.



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