

Britain's Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex, (L) and US fiancee of Britain's Prince Harry Meghan Markle arrive at the High Altar for their wedding ceremony in St George's Chapel, Windsor Castle, in Windsor, on May 19, 2018. / AFP PHOTO / POOL / Jonathan Brady
哈里王子與美國女星梅根馬克爾 (圖片來源:法新社May 19, 2018. / AFP PHOTO / POOL / Jonathan Brady)
英國哈里王子(Prince Harry)與美國女星梅根馬克爾(Meghan Markle)今日於溫莎堡聖喬治教堂(St. George’s Chapel)舉行婚禮。典禮於當地時間中午12時(香港時間晚上7時)正式開始,碧咸夫婦及影星佐治古尼等名人賓客已陸續到場,場外亦聚集了祝福一對新人的國民及遊客,場面熱鬧。
US presenter Oprah Winfrey arrives for the wedding ceremony of Britain's Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex and US actress Meghan Markle at St George's Chapel, Windsor Castle, in Windsor, on May 19, 2018. / AFP PHOTO / POOL / Ian West
美國名嘴奧花雲費(圖片來源:法新社 May 19, 2018. / AFP PHOTO / POOL / Ian West)
美國名嘴奧花雲費(Oprah Winfrey)今日最先到場,之後輪到《雷神奇俠3:諸神黃昏》黑人影星艾迪斯艾巴(Idris Elba)和英國男歌手 James Blunt 帶同女伴現身。
US actor George Clooney (R) and his wife British lawyer Amal Clooney (L) arrive for the wedding ceremony of Britain's Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex and US actress Meghan Markle at St George's Chapel, Windsor Castle, in Windsor, on May 19, 2018. / AFP PHOTO / POOL / Ian West
佐治古尼跟任職人權律師的妻子 Amal(圖片來源:法新社 May 19, 2018. / AFP PHOTO / POOL / Ian West)
Former England footballer David Beckham (R) and his wife Victoria Beckham arrive for the wedding ceremony of Britain's Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex and US actress Meghan Markle at St George's Chapel, Windsor Castle, in Windsor, on May 19, 2018. / AFP PHOTO / POOL / Chris Jackson
「萬人迷」碧咸與愛妻 Victoria Beckham(圖片來源:法新社 May 19, 2018. / AFP PHOTO / POOL / Chris Jackson) 
《盜海豪情》荷里活影星佐治古尼(George Clooney)跟任職人權律師的妻子Amal,以及「萬人迷」碧咸(David Beckham)與愛妻Victoria Beckham及戴安娜王妃姪女 Lady Kitty Spencer 等已到場觀禮,現場可説星光熠熠。
據悉,此次婚禮只會邀請哈里、梅根真正熟悉的人,不存在「政治領導人名單」。已有600名賓客受到邀請,還有包括Spice Girls在內的200名客人收到當天晚宴邀請。最近就爆出 Spice Girls 成員中只有碧咸嫂 Victoria、Emma 同 Geri 獲邀,Mel B 同 Mel C 未獲邀請。
婚禮邀請了 2,640名賓客,其中 1,200 人是英國各地民眾,200 人來自二人相關的慈善機構與組織,610 人是溫莎堡社區人士,另有100 名學童來自城堡附近兩所學校。1,200 名獲邀民眾中,包括去年5月在曼徹斯特體育館恐襲事件中受傷的12歲女孩湯普森(Amelia Thompson)。
British actor Idris Elba (R) arrives with his fiancee Sabrina Dhowre (2R) followed by Prince's Harry's friend, British singer James Blunt (L) and US talk show host Oprah Winfrey (2L) for the wedding ceremony of Britain's Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex and US actress Meghan Markle at St George's Chapel, Windsor Castle, in Windsor, on May 19, 2018. / AFP PHOTO / POOL / Chris Radburn
《雷神奇俠3:諸神黃昏》黑人影星艾迪斯艾巴(圖片來源:法新社 May 19, 2018. / AFP PHOTO / POOL / Chris Radburn)
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