


Souvenirs featuring Britain's Prince Harry and his fiance US actress Meghan Markle in a gift shop in Central London, on May 17, 2018. St George's Chapel at Windsor Castle will host the wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle. The town, which gives its name to the Royal Family, is ready for the events as the shops started to sell the official merchandise of the pair. (Photo by Alberto Pezzali/NurPhoto)

英國哈里王子(Prince Harry)與未婚妻馬克爾(Meghan Markle)的大婚今日舉行,成為不少公司的商機,相關紀念品成行成市。英國皇室御用瓷器品牌和官方骨瓷紀念品牌以至LV都爭相推出官方認可的紀念品。


英國皇室御用瓷器品牌Halcyon Days,已推出了多款哈里王子大婚紀念限量版瓷器產品,包括琺瑯盒、瓷碟、瓷杯及茶壺,每件售價由35至425英磅。產品備有多款設計,包括寫上哈里王子及馬克爾名字及今日大婚日期字樣,配以花卉及彩帶圖案,又或象徵哈里王子與馬克爾兩人國籍的英國國旗及美國國旗圖案,亦有大婚儀式舉行地點聖喬治禮拜堂及溫莎堡的圖案。


Halcyon Days是14家擁有皇家許可證的公司之一,只有擁有皇家許可才可向王室提供商品及服務,該公司行政總裁Pamela Harper預料,是次世紀大婚可帶動該品牌錄得10至15%的銷售增長。


由皇家收藏協會(Royal Collection Trust)發行官方的骨瓷紀念商品,則包括杯子、碟子、餅乾、蠟燭等,價格由5.95至49英鎊(約66至545港元)不等。

Louis Vuitton's flagship store celebrates the wedding of Prince Harry of Wales and U.S. actress Meghan Markle in Central London, on May 17, 2018. St George's Chapel at Windsor Castle will host the wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle. The town, which gives its name to the Royal Family, is ready for the events as the shops started to sell the official merchandise of the pair. (Photo by Alberto Pezzali/NurPhoto)
Louis Vuitton’s flagship store celebrates the wedding of Prince Harry of Wales and U.S. actress Meghan Markle in Central London, on May 17, 2018. St George’s Chapel at Windsor Castle will host the wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle. The town, which gives its name to the Royal Family, is ready for the events as the shops started to sell the official merchandise of the pair. (Photo by Alberto Pezzali/NurPhoto)



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