
【鐡漢柔情】狄維莊遜送大禮 替身感動爆喊



早前為宣傳新片《高凶浩劫》訪港的大隻佬狄維莊遜(Dwayne Johnson)出名親民無架子,原來他對幕後人員一樣親切。日前他就向合作多年的動作替身演員兼表兄弟Tanoai Reed送上一份驚喜大禮,令對方感動得忍不住當場爆喊!

SURPRISE! I love handing over keys🔑🎁 I love you brother and enjoy your new truck! Over the course of my career, my stunt double (and cousin) Tanoai Reed @samoanstuntman has broken multiple bones, severed tendons, torn ligaments & just been an overall dominating bad ass achieving several “Stuntman of the Year” honors. All done with one goal in mind – deliver the best movie possible to the world. I had this custom pick up truck delivered just in time to surprise him (he’s still recovering from a stunt injury) while we give what he thought was going to be an interview about our careers together. As you’ll see the moment I put my hands on my hips, that’s the drivers cue to pull away and reveal the big surprise. Not only does Tanoai represent our family and my career with relentless commitment and passion. He also represents an entire Hollywood stunt community that is truly the backbone of our business. Love you uso and thank you for the blood, sweat, tears and years. We’re just getting started. Enjoy your new truck! #LetsRoll 🤟🏾

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狄維莊遜與Tanoai不論外貌、笑容、身形均十足孖兄弟,自從狄維莊遜於2002年加入影圈,拍攝《盜墓迷城外傳:蠍子王傳奇》開始,一直與Tanoai合作無間。Tanoai早前因拍戲受傷,如今仍在康復階段,狄維莊遜就趁Tanoai回片場,騙他說要拍一條訪問短片,帶他到停車場。狄維莊遜先講述二人合作多年的點滴,表示Tanoai Reed是演藝生涯中的最佳拍檔,更表示好愛亦好感謝對方。聽到這裡,Tanoai已經有點感動,誰知,狄維莊遜突然轉身指指身後,叫Tanoai好好享受新車,Tanoai才發現原來狄維莊遜偷偷買了一架新車給自己。超級驚喜的他雙手抱頭大喊「Oh Man!」更感動得爆喊出來,狄維莊遜見狀亦忍不住上前攬實好兄弟,更表示,比起Tanoai這十七年來為他付出的,這部新車絕對不算什麼。the-rock-5-a932bb狄維莊遜事後把這條短片上載到社交網站,更寫下感言,再次多謝Tanoai的付出。他提到,Tanoai多年來因拍戲而跌斷過骨、肌腱受傷、韌帶撕裂,但仍然非常專業,出盡全力做動作,因為他們二人有共同目標,盡可能製作世界上最棒的電影。狄維莊遜更謂,Tanoai除了是自己的好兄弟,亦代表整個荷李活的特技動作演員,大讚他們是影圈的中流砥柱,多謝他們付出過的血汗、淚水及時間。

圖片、影片來源:therock@instagram、Tanoai Reed@facebook

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