被譽為Marvel最爆笑的超級英雄電影《死侍2》(Deadpool 2)即將(5月17日)上映,日前官方正式發布電影主題曲MV片段,是次主題曲〈Ashes〉由Céline Dion唱出,旋律洗腦動聽。但講到明係《死侍2》主題曲MV,又點會淨係得Céline Dion出嚟唱歌咁簡單,各位讀者當睇到中段一見到死侍背影出場就知道實有驚喜,佢今次玩嘢到着女裝高跟鞋伴舞,仲扮跳鋼管性感舞蹈,場面非常爆笑。
從片段可見,是次MV在標準的歌劇院內的拍攝,Céline Dion負責站在台中央大展歌喉,而男主角死侍則穿上高跟鞋上陣,喺Céline Dion身邊伴舞,跳出各種性感舞姿。當Céline Dion唱完成首歌之後,死侍終於忍唔住開口叫佢Encore,但Céline就冷冷回應:「走開吧!蜘蛛俠!」死侍聽到當然非常失望,唔通着紅色衫戴面罩嘅就係蜘蛛俠咩。
Céline Dion〈Ashes〉
What’s left to say?
These prayers ain’t working anymore
Every word shot down in flames
What’s left to do with these broken pieces on the floor?
I’m losing my voice calling on you
『Cause I’ve been shaking
I’ve been bending backwards till I’m broke
Watching all these dreams go up in smoke
Let beauty come out of ashes
Let beauty come out of ashes
And when I pray to God all I ask is
Can beauty come out of ashes?
Can you use these tears to put out the fires in my soul?
『Cause I need you here, woah
『Cause I’ve been shaking
I’ve been bending backwards till I’m broke
Watching all these dreams go up in smoke
Let beauty come out of ashes
Let beauty come out of ashes
And when I pray to God all I ask is
Can beauty come out of ashes?
影片來源:Céline Dion@YouTube