【明報專訊】睽違3年Linkin Park剛於5月發行最新專輯《One More Light》,如今變成Chester Bennington的絕唱,收錄歌曲《Heavy》及《Nobody Can Save Me》亦被視為Chester宣泄煩惱痛苦的工具,有樂迷對於未能及時「拯救」他於水深火熱中表示遺憾。
例如《Heavy》歌詞不斷重複:「Why is everything so heavy? If I just let go, I’d be set free(為何每件事情都那麼沉重?如果我學懂放下,我便自由了)」至於《Nobody Can Save Me》更像他向世人發出的求救訊號,「For answers yet to come, I chose a false solution(還未有答案,所以我選擇了錯誤的解決方式)」,難怪有網民說,新碟就像Chester留給樂迷的遺書。
I’m holding on
Why is everything so heavy?
Holding on
So much more than I can carry
I keep dragging around what’s bringing me down
If I just let go, I’d be set free
Holding on
Why is everything so heavy?
■《Nobody Can Save Me》
But nobody can save me now
I’m holding up a light
I’m chasing out the darkness inside
『Cause nobody can save me
Stared into this illusion
For answers yet to come
I chose a false solution
But nobody proved me wrong
Headfirst hallucination