
資深電視人蔡和平回港後21個鐘冇得瞓 寫信向衞生署署長投訴檢疫安排





蔡和平在Facebook 談及感受:「我和太太由昨晚凌晨2時,到現在走上睡牀已經過了差不多21小時,為何過去48小時我們進行了3次檢測,仍然會被視為嫌疑感染者般看待?今天早上房間有壓扁的蟑螂和充滿血液的飛蟲,這裏的衛生狀況很差,我們本來住的酒店不算很好,但現在我們住的竟然是有昆蟲的房間,我想知道衛生署為何會讓我們這些老人家接受這種安排?」



Scary with lots of anxiety when everyone from our flight from Singapore at the Quarantine Holding Hall leave on getting our Swab Test Result but we are made to remain! Somehow they need to recheck Peggys Swab Test again as it was unclear. The nurse say such uncertainty like this often turned out to be false alarm which is comforting to hear. We are confident Peggy is okay as we did our Swab Test yesterday morning in Singapore Raffles Hospital Swab Test Centre and result was Negative! Please pray with me that it is one big mistake as Peggy is so scare. See the empty Hall with the cleaners sweeping clean the Hall for the next Flight passengers. We both are alone here!


GOOD NEWS! False Alarm…. all is well. Peggy is Negative! We are on our way to our quarantine hotel.


MY WORST 24 hours DAY IN HONG KONG… that I hope will end soon! I am worried for Peggys health as she will suffer from this pathetic treatment!

Received some wonderful gifts of fruits and a Set of Care Kit that was desperately needed from Cissy and Nelson of Nina Hotel Island South. We are grateful to them for their patience staying up late last night trying to solve our problem with the HK Covid Non Compliance Team. We only stayed a few hours in their wonderful Nina Hotel Island South before we were forced to move out of the hotel just before midnight by the Covid Compliance Team.

Why did they not put us in one of the Government Quarantine hotel instead without checking my 73 year old wifes health condition into their most basic Quarantine Centre. We checked in about 1.00am to this cold unfriendly refugee-looking place to stay for supposedly the next 13 days. Our room is horrible!!!

I have written to the Health Ministry to appeal to have us released from this Government Quarantine Centre and explained the case of interpretation of a point that caused them to deem me breaking one of their rules. I did not think I was wrong when I did it. Why did the Covid Non Compliance Team Leader not want to hear the accused (me) first before condemning me? No one from the Team spoke to me to hear my side of the story.

Why was it necessary to force us move from our nice quarantine hotel Nina Hotel to the most basic Government Quarantine Centre the same evening and not wait till next morning? They must have known that the early morning flight passengers from Singapore would have woken up very early morning and midnight would have meant been up for at least 18 hours. In fact we did not get to bed till after 2.00am up for 21 hours yesterday.

We had our third Booster Jab and two Swab Test (Singapore and HK) over the last 48 hours but was still treated like a Covid suspect.

I will soon show some sad candid pictures of our bad experience at this most basic Quarantine Centre with hopefully some happy moments and good experience of my remaining quarantine days.


MY WORST 48 hours ORDEAL IN HONG KONG since my arrival in May, 1967 in all my 44 years residing in HK!

We are subjected to poor Hygiene as captured in pictures of one cockroach and a blood-filled flying bug that was squashed in our room this morning. Against our will we were forced to vacate our room at the very nice Nina Hotel Island South after a few hours we checked in, to Pennys Bay Quarantine Centre. Instead of the good hotel room we were suppose to stay we are now subject to insects infested room without soap and other bare essentials that we had come to expect. I wonder how Health Department can justify their action to subject us to treatment of senior citizens like us? I had again appealed to be moved out and am waiting to see how the Government will respond to this matter. See the difference of the luxurious Nina Hotel room to Pennys Bay Quarantine Centre room that we are now forced to stay!


Peggy and I are stressed by the way the Hong Kong Health Department is subjecting us to. I worry for Peggys health. This was the condition we were subjected to when we got in to the room of Pennys Bay Quarantine Centre at 1am after we were driven out of our quarantined Nina Hotel around midnight. All because of a breach of one of the Health Regulations that I had no intention to break. It happened because of the way it was worded to have allowed this unfortunate misinterpretion by me that led to this. I thought I was right to act the way I did. Had it been properly worded I would not have breached their rules. Besides that mistake was immediately rectified so why this?


Reflection On Life while stuck at Pennys Bay Quarantine Centre because of a misinterpretation of the clause of reasonable excuse and punished and taken away from hotel where we were supposed to stay.  Only by experiencing the less fortunates day to day room stay hardship do we appreciate our good fortune. We should not demean the facilities that less fortunate people are happy to stay. We are lucky to be spoiled with many better things in life! Although the facilities are so basic without essential toiletries including having to set up our own hard bed, floor that is often wet/damp with no refrigerator and normal comfort in a hotel, the meals are good for what it is, just like an airlines economy class food, but not for the more fortunates who often eat in restaurants.


Our request to return to the quarantine hotel we had booked at Nina Hotel has been rejected, despite our Appeals. While it is wet outside with Typhoon Signal #8 hoisted, our room is wet too, from the dampness. No leaking roof but a very damped room. Woke up this morning to the wet floor that we have to wipe dry. What happen if Peggy falls on the wet flow at night? Even our slippers are drained through!


Deeply appreciate, touched and thankful to Rose Chung for making such enormous effort during Typhoon #8 to bring us a dehumidifier and a portable standing air conditioner all the way to  Pennys Bay Quarantine Centre. Not only that she bought us some food with her and her home boiled herbal soup as well. She came when was raining  cats & dogs under typhoon weather. She was planning to bring me only the dehumidifier but when I told her our air conditioner in our room last night was sort of cranky and was not working well middle of the night she added the portable standing air conditioner.


Can you imagine this much water in less than 8 hours? We had our most comfortable day in our room yesterday after Rose Chung loan us this dehumidifier and personally delivered to us under unsafe travelling condition during Typhoon Signal 8. Pennys Bay Quarantine Centre is far from her home. We will always be thankful


This is my lunch after our breakfast. I miss the good food of Kams Roast Goose and Ju Xing Home restaurant and wish I can get out right now.How I wish I am eating them now as I dread my next meal my dinner tonight and the next 7 days before we are allowed to leave this Pennys Bay Quarantine Centre. When I stopped eating Peggy forced-fed me when I left for my bed behind …. hahaha , She say I need to eat more to keep my health and energy level up.


A Westerner went crazy shouting at the top of his voice. He must have lost his cool and walked shouting so loud that I could feel the pain in his lungs along the deserted quarantined Pennys Bay Quarantine Centres streets. Police came and I guess he was arrested for walking unmasked along the street as he shouted. I feel sorry for him and wonder what made him go crazy. Everyone here at Pennys Bay are here for 2 or 3 weeks quarantine. I am on to my second week of quarantine here and pray that I will not breakdown and end up like him and go crazy!


Our best meal since we landed in Hong Kong after we were confined by the Government to Pennys Bay Quarantine Centre since Monday evening.

Thank you  Hardy Kam for making our Day by  hosting us your KAMS ROAST GOOSE lunch (and dinner) and  Sze Yan Bessodes for arranging the delivery of the food to us that needed  much more efforts unlike hotels. There are lots of protocol to observe so is not easy to make delivery.

I feel I am now living in a low security Prison Camp because of the protocol needed to be observed with restrictions in receiving things as is expected in Prison. Unlike hotels one can receive anything one needs but not here.
